“Why, sometimes I’ve dreamed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”

~ Lewis Carroll

My Background

I grew up in a small town in Southern Idaho, but that didn’t stop me from dreaming very big dreams. 

My mother fostered my education from a young age; I learned to talk before I could walk, I learned my letters and how to spell my name well before kindergarten.

I was already a book lover by age 5 when my mother brought home Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone…and so the real adventures began.

Through my love of literature, I quickly learned the power of written words. 

I learned the value of storytelling, and what it meant to craft a message worth sharing. I discovered that, even while I remained in my small town, I could travel through time, countries, and even universes all by the ink found within well-loved pages. And then I discovered the internet!

It’s crazy how recently the internet has become accessible; we don’t think about it much, but it’s only been through the advancements of the last two decades that the utility became affordable and accessible by most.

And with the rise of the internet came endless possibilities!

The internet has given me the ability to spend every day doing what I love most: telling stories.​

And I can’t wait to tell yours.

My Experience

I have been writing for as long as I can remember.

Short stories and poems littered my notebooks as a child.

By the time I graduated high school, I was editor of both my school newspaper and the yearbook.

I spent my first few years of college buried in the typical mountain of textbooks and homework, but eventually was given the opportunity to write for a chapter of HerCampus; I became the Managing Editor.

After a year with HerCampus, I found myself working odd jobs to make ends meet; but I never gave up my love of storytelling. I ran social media for a few of my different positions. I worked on marketing efforts.

And then, just when I was about to give up on my dreams, I landed at a digital marketing agency in Boise, Idaho.

After spending 10 months transforming their Content Team and making incredible leaps and bounds for the quality of their content, I realized that I could do this on my own…and now I am!

While my “professional experience” may seem slim, I promise you that the quality of my work is not!

We all have different paths, and I am proud of my own journey to where I am today.

My Mission

I have always been a dreamer.

Growing up, my “dream career” changed many times.

Paleontologist. Author. Environmental Lawyer. Journalist. Anthropologist. Entrepreneur.

These are just a handful of the jobs that I have aspired through over the course of my lifetime, and while my dreams took me all over the place, there was one thing I was absolutely sure of: I wanted to spend my life doing something that mattered. I wanted to spend my life helping people.

Growing up in Southern Idaho wasn’t always easy.

I was taught to speak out. I was taught to educate myself. I was surrounded by strong women and by men who celebrated and elevated strong women.

I was raised a feminist.

Intersectionality, equality, mental health advocacy, and social justice are all causes near and dear to my heart.

If you work in any of these fields, I would love the opportunity to connect! And, if you don’t work in these fields but feel like we could get along, I’d love to work with you, too!

Let's Talk!

Thanks for your interest! For more information about my freelance services, please fill out the form and I will get back to you soon. Looking forward to connecting!

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